The 5th Workshop on Security Information Workers
Hyatt Regency Santa Clara - Santa Clara, CA, USA
August 11, 2019

5th Workshop on Security Information Workers - Call for Abstracts

The human element is often considered the weakest element in security. Although many kinds of humans interact with systems that are designed to be secure, one particular type of human is especially important, the security information workers who develop, use, and manipulate security-related information and data as a significant part of their jobs. Security information workers include:
  • Software developers, who design and build software that manages and protects sensitive information;
  • Security and system administrators, who deploy and manage security-sensitive software and hardware systems;
  • IT professionals whose decisions have impact on end users' security and privacy;
  • Intelligence analysts, who collect and analyze data about security matters to understand information and make predictions; and
  • Security consultants and educators, who provide guidance to individuals and organizations on practicing good security behaviors and implementing security technologies
This workshop aims to develop and stimulate discussion about security information workers. We will consider topics including but not limited to:
  • Empirical studies of security information workers, including case studies, experiments, field studies, and surveys;
  • New tools designed to assist security information workers;
  • Infrastructure for better understanding security information workers;
  • Information visualization and other techniques designed to help security information workers do their jobs;
  • Evaluations of tools and techniques for security information workers.

Successful submissions to this workshop will be informed by an understanding of how security information workers do their jobs, and the results will explicitly address how we understand security information workers.

We solicit one-page abstracts describing new research contributions in this area as well as case studies, work in progress, preliminary results, novel ideas, and position papers. Abstracts should be no more than one page (excluding references) using the SOUPS template format (MS Word or LaTeX). Submissions may be made at

Workshop abstracts will be made available to attendees prior to the workshop. Abstract presentations will be approximately 10 minutes in length followed by 5 minutes of questions and answers. Presentations must be made in-person; remote presentations cannot be accomodated.

The half-day workshop will feature paper presentations and breakout sessions to provide an opportunity for smaller group interactive discussion about related topics of interest, which may include methods, challenges, and future directions in security information workers research.

The deadline for submissions is May 31 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth).

You can find out more at or by emailing

Important Dates

Workshop paper submission deadlineFriday May 31, 2019 (extended) Friday May 24, 2019
Workshop paper acceptance notification to authorsSaturday, June 08, 2019
Workshop camera-ready papers dueMonday, July 15, 2019
WorkshopSunday, August 11, 2019

Accepted Submissions

Bug Bounty Programs: Hunters’ vs Organizations’ Perspectives
Noura Alomar, Primal Wijesekera, Serge Egelman, Edward Qiu, and Amit Elazari (University of California, Berkeley)

Security Awareness in Action: A Case Study
Julie Haney (NIST) and Wayne Lutters (University of Maryland)

Studying the Costs and Benefits of Rust, Compared to C
Kelsey Fulton, Yasmin Abdi, Christopher Neidhart, Michelle Mazurek, Michael Hicks (University of Maryland)

So Tell Me What You Know, What You Really Really Know: Identifying the Knowledge Gaps of Future Security Information Workers
Joseph Hallett and Awais Rashid (University of Bristol)

Work in Progress: A preliminary user experience evaluation of MISP
Borce Stojkovski and Gabriele Lenzini (SnT, University of Luxembourg)

Exploring the Use of Interactive Interfaces and Feedback Mechanisms to Enhance Privacy in Data Workers through Information Accountability
Hye-Chung Kum (Texas A&M University) and Eric Ragan (University of Florida, Gainesville)

Organizing Committee / Program Committee Chairs

  • Yasemin Acar, Leibniz University Hannover
  • Sascha Fahl, Leibniz University Hannover
  • Julie Haney, National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • Celeste Lyn Paul, U.S. Department of Defense
  • Daniel Votipka, University of Maryland

Program Committee

  • Hala Assal, You.i TV
  • Stacey Watson, Rochester Institute of Technology

Web Chair

  • Christian Stransky, Leibniz University Hannover

Venue and Registration

The workshop is colocated with the 15th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, please refer to the conference website for further information and registration.